2 handed false edge technique

This is a way to trick the opponent into attacking you. So that you know when , and then get a good counterattack.
Done right, the opponent goes right into the blow.
2 handed - sidestep faint

Stole this technique from sir Colin MacLear. It involves opening up the defense of the opponent, threaten the head to make the opponent move the defense. Short of the blow take a side step, and thrust under the shield.
Aim high - hit low

This is an easy to learn, hard to master feint that can practically be used with any weapons. The basic idea is to make your body start one movement and let the opponent se it, then twist it into something else.
Aimlow hit high


Now when you have learned to step into your opponent and hit him, you also have to learn how to step away. The basics of this exorcise is to do your series of blows, and then move away from the opponent in an angle from where you attacked. When you fight sword and shield guys, a good last blow would be one that higher the shield, so the opponent looses the sight of you while you start to retreat, and when fighting a great weapon, go for the legs so they have to lower their guard, from this position its harder for them to follow you directly.
Shield lock 1

This is one way to use your shield in combat. The main idea is to lock the opponents shield with yours, creating space for your o hit your opponent. Please note that its FORBIDDEN to hit your opponent with your shield. (At least within Drachenwald)
Shield lock 2

This is a similar lock as shield lock 1 But here you use your shield to move the opponents shield instead of locking it to his body. This also provides you with a gap where you can hit your opponent.