Baron Egil Drakhufvud

Hello. My name is Lord Egil Drakhufvud, squire to Sir Brendan.
I have been active in the SCA since 2001 and became a squire 2007.
2022 I was honoured to join the Order of the Pelican.
Back in 2005 i built the first version of this site,
Im active in the most northern part of Drachenwald, in Frostheim. I do all sorts of stuff in the SCA, Fighting off course, but also shooting bow and fooling around with blacksmithing and woodcraft.
I really hope you like this new page and that you will find something that will help you progress to be a better fighter.
At your service/ Baron Egil Drakhufvud(OP), Squire to Sir Brendan
Train your blocks to not be obvious

This is a way for a more experienced fighter to train their blocks while a beginner or someone training simple combinations can train together. The blocker should try to alter their blocks in as many ways as they can come up with to make it less obvious over what will happen next.
Double tap - Off hand side

This is a double tap but on the offhand side. This type of technique is good to have as most fighters work left to right all the time, a doubletap could be what you need to win the duel.
Double tap - Wrap/Forhand

This is a good thing to get into your repertoar. It works especially great on fighters who uses their shield to block high.
Bastardsword against kneeling

This film shows how you can attack and kill a kneeling sword and shield opponent.
The trick is to move the shield aside, this is done by thrusting hard on the shield corner, thereby moving the shield aside opening up for a face or body thrust. You can also feint a thrust first to move the shield up.
Be careful with the face thrust in the face.
Aimlow hit high

Disengaging thrust with sword

This teqnique is a thrust trown when you are moving away from your opponent closing up the battle.
Follow the sword

This film shows how to get inside your opponents guard in a clever way. The idea is to follow the opponents sword, ider on topside or bottom side. Its really hard for your opponent to know if he should do a high or low block against such a blow. This can be done on a pell too, if you put up a plank or rope to simulate the sword line.
Lean backwards while kneeling

Low feint

Fast backhand

Hard body thrust

Detailed film over how to make a hard body thrust. Bodythrusts are seldom taken by fighters if they are weak enough, so if you are going for one, you better lurn how to do them hard enough.
Kill a christianstyle 3

Kill a christianstyle 2

Kill a christianstyle 1

The first way in a school of three over how to kill a christian style fighter
Two weapons, leg block

Feint with Polearm

Short body thrust with Polearm



A version of the scorpion that can be used if you are shorter than your opponent.
Short spear 1

This film shows a basic thrust from a wide angle.
Short spear 2

This is a quick followup if your enemy blocks your initial thrust. Notice how the spear works as a shield while you are in possition to make your wrap.
Short spear 3

This teqnique shows how you can fake a regularblow, or miss it, and still end up with a winning thrust.
short spear 4

This is a faint based upon the fact that when a shieldguy higher his shield, he looses his vision of you, this can be done with other types of weapons too!
Short spear 5

This teqnique shows what you can do when you have dimed the vision of your enemy.