Tutorial films
On this page you will find tutorial clips for swordplay, and other forms of armoured combat.
Tip: Use the tags at top of page to sort what you want to see.
Armoured Inspection

Instructionfilm from the Lochac Earl Marchal over how an armoured inspection is done.
This is pretty similar to what we do in Drachenwald so it fits here to!
Basic forehand

Shows the basic forehand, the first and last thing you will ever need.
Basic backhand

backhand forehand combo

Wrap exercise

This exorcise is a good way to train the natrual movement of your wraps!
Let the arm do the work for you, feel where it turns natrually instead of try to force the teqnique.
Sir Aeirikr teaches weight distribution

Leg wrap

This film shows the basics of a leg wrap. This blow is kind of slow, and not that good to use as a start blow, but when engaged in close combat and shields are placed high, it often proven a useful blow. Learn to do this fast and with good precision, because you will have a hard time to see where you hit, so precision is important here!
Pushed backhand

Fast backhand

Low wrap kneeling

Most kneeling fighters are aware of the standard attacks against them. They know that a wrapshot is the most likely shot to hit them when the opponent is standing on top of them. Therefor they raise their shield to protect the head exposing the belly. By taking advantage of that, this clip shows how to set the kneeling opponent up for a low wrapshot aimed towards the exposed belly.
Tight wrap

This film shows how to throw a wrap at real close range. Two different styles of this technique is shown, mainly to illustrate how to confuse your opponent.
Simple combination

This is a regular combination, backhand/forehand, Right, you already know this one, but look at this, its probably not how you had imagined it! The first blow is a low offhand backahand, to lure the enemys shield to go down, the other shot is trown from leaning to the left, but hits on the right side, simple enough, but useful.
Feint 2

Some examples of singleshot feints.
Low feint

slow work exorcise

This is a great slow-work exercise with a single sword. When you master this, you can train it with any types of weapons, the idea is the same!
The basic idea with this exercise is to always end up in strong positions.
A strong position is a position where you can attack your opponent directly, without doing a movement before the attack.
Female force

This is a description over something that might not be obvious to everyone. Female and male bodies does not work the same!
Positioning yourself

Return wrap

This short film shows a way to return your wrap over your head instead of the way it came. This can be usefull as a block and to get yourself into possition for another blow.
Disengaging thrust with sword

This teqnique is a thrust trown when you are moving away from your opponent closing up the battle.
2 handed - sidestep faint

Stole this technique from sir Colin MacLear. It involves opening up the defense of the opponent, threaten the head to make the opponent move the defense. Short of the blow take a side step, and thrust under the shield.
Feint 3

Some more advanced feints and thoughts around them.
Aim high - hit low

This is an easy to learn, hard to master feint that can practically be used with any weapons. The basic idea is to make your body start one movement and let the opponent se it, then twist it into something else.
Christian defence

Shows the importance of the position of the sword/axe/madu that you use when fighting.
Follow the sword

This film shows how to get inside your opponents guard in a clever way. The idea is to follow the opponents sword, ider on topside or bottom side. Its really hard for your opponent to know if he should do a high or low block against such a blow. This can be done on a pell too, if you put up a plank or rope to simulate the sword line.
The Rotique

This tecnique is a backedge forhand that can be used in many different ways and is especially good at real close quarters!

Hard body thrust

Detailed film over how to make a hard body thrust. Bodythrusts are seldom taken by fighters if they are weak enough, so if you are going for one, you better lurn how to do them hard enough.

Now when you have learned to step into your opponent and hit him, you also have to learn how to step away. The basics of this exorcise is to do your series of blows, and then move away from the opponent in an angle from where you attacked. When you fight sword and shield guys, a good last blow would be one that higher the shield, so the opponent looses the sight of you while you start to retreat, and when fighting a great weapon, go for the legs so they have to lower their guard, from this position its harder for them to follow you directly.
Followup on rotique

This is a possible followup for the Rotique teqnique.
Its quite obvious where to go from it, but the film gives you some more details.
Double tap - Wrap/Forhand

This is a good thing to get into your repertoar. It works especially great on fighters who uses their shield to block high.
Double tap - Off hand side

This is a double tap but on the offhand side. This type of technique is good to have as most fighters work left to right all the time, a doubletap could be what you need to win the duel.
Train your blocks to not be obvious

This is a way for a more experienced fighter to train their blocks while a beginner or someone training simple combinations can train together. The blocker should try to alter their blocks in as many ways as they can come up with to make it less obvious over what will happen next.
Faked wrap

This is an example of a faked head wrap that turns into something looking like a pushed backhand. When you Master both the Basic Forehand and the pushed backhand, this could be a good trick to train.
Thrust after wrap

Backhand from kneeling

If you opponent has stepped in on you, one of your options are to throw a backhand. But you need to raise your arm straight up before initiating the blow so that the blade goes over you opponents shield.
The whip

I have no idea over what to call this teqnique but it works a little as a whip.
(Egils note: I have not got hold of Baron Brian to get him to confirm this film, so if ANYONE of you lords and ladys meets him, please ask him to confirm this to me via fb or mail! The film will be taken away if he so likes as soon as he tells me to do so.)
Thrusts - Do and Don´t

This film illustrates how to avoid injury when doing a Trust in Heavy Fighting. The regular fencing thrust can be dangerous as its bends your wrist.
Feint 1a

This feint is the first of three shown here by sir Hartmann.

A version of the scorpion that can be used if you are shorter than your opponent.
Feint 1

First film of three. This is a backhand faint that turns into a forhand snap.
Lean backwards while kneeling

Shield bind

The special thing with this teqnique is to lock your opponents shield with yours so he cant move it into position when you strike.
Note, this is a ”press” or ”bind”, not a ”punch”. Punching with shields in SCA is illegal, but its okay to bind or press with them.
(Egils note: I have not got hold of Baron Brian to get him to confirm this film, so if ANYONE of you lords and ladys meets him, please ask him to confirm this to me via the guestbook on this site! The film will be taken away if he so likes as soon as he tells me to do so.)
Kill a christianstyle 1

The first way in a school of three over how to kill a christian style fighter
Kill a christianstyle 2

Shield lock 1

This is one way to use your shield in combat. The main idea is to lock the opponents shield with yours, creating space for your o hit your opponent. Please note that its FORBIDDEN to hit your opponent with your shield. (At least within Drachenwald)
Kneeling wrap

Basic ground kill

Fool the long guy

This film shows an excellent advantage of being a shorter guy. Use your height as something good for your self, and something bad for your opponent and you will have changed the odds of the fight for the better.
Kneeling backhand

Kneeling legshot

From your knees, faking a high forehand hitting the opponents leg.
Kill a christianstyle 3

Feint risingsnap

This is the third and last in the series of feints from Sir Hartmann
Feint 1b

This is the second feint shown by Sir Hartmann.
Christian feint and thrust

Shield lock 2

This is a similar lock as shield lock 1 But here you use your shield to move the opponents shield instead of locking it to his body. This also provides you with a gap where you can hit your opponent.
Counter wrap with christianstick

This film shows both how to lure the opponent to do a wrap, and how to counter it. This teqnique could be used with sword and shield too.
Shield hook

A great way to use your pommel when fighting with two weapons. The idea shuld work fine with axe and sword as well.

Ever seen Conan? Then this is for you. This is more a trickshot than a winning teqnique, but if you do land this one, the people around the list will cheer, thats for sure!
Aimlow hit high

TW basic usage

Geiri on film, Makarius is voiceover
TW basic usage

Feint with Two weapons

This film shows you a basic idea over how to do an effective feint with two weapons. Here the left stick is used to start something that looks like a blow, but the thing you realy do is to move it infront of you into a guard possition while the other sword swings around and goes for the helmet. IF the opponent desides to strike at you, your left sword is in possition for a block already.
Two weapons, leg block

Spear positions

This film shows the guard positions with a spear
Thrusting with spear

short spear 4

This is a faint based upon the fact that when a shieldguy higher his shield, he looses his vision of you, this can be done with other types of weapons too!
Short spear 5

This teqnique shows what you can do when you have dimed the vision of your enemy.
Calibration with spear

Short spear 2

This is a quick followup if your enemy blocks your initial thrust. Notice how the spear works as a shield while you are in possition to make your wrap.
Target practice with spear

This film shows a target practice that can be done with 2 or 3 members. the idea is to become faster in hitting an upcoming target.
Feint with spear

This film shows 2 basic feints with spear.
Short spear 3

This teqnique shows how you can fake a regularblow, or miss it, and still end up with a winning thrust.
Short spear 1

This film shows a basic thrust from a wide angle.
Blocking with spear

This film shows some basic blocks with Spear.
Feint with Polearm

Guards with twohanded weapons

Polearm defence

Halfswording in close combat

Halfswording is not allowed in all Kingdoms, please check local regulations.
This technique is useful in close combat against a sword and shield. In close combat using a normal grip the weak part of a two handed sword is used for parrying, by changing to a halfsword grip you get much stronger and can bind your the opponents sword.
You opponent also opens up on the sword side, so you also has the opportunity to thrust. Be careful if using a face thrust because halfsword techniques are very powerful.
Christian defence thrust

A clip that demonstrates how to protect yourself from wrapshots a small bonus attack is included
Defence with twohanded swords

Bastardsword against kneeling

This film shows how you can attack and kill a kneeling sword and shield opponent.
The trick is to move the shield aside, this is done by thrusting hard on the shield corner, thereby moving the shield aside opening up for a face or body thrust. You can also feint a thrust first to move the shield up.
Be careful with the face thrust in the face.
Low hit with butspike(polearm)

High buttspike thrust(polearm)

Thrust with twohanded sword

Block and strike with greatweapon

Warding with twohanded sword

This film shows how to do a warding block with your twohanded sword, and use the force to throw a blow of your own. This technique can be used in many different combinations, but are here shown in one single movement.
Short body thrust with Polearm

Polearm blow from vertical block

Goodblock badblock with twohanded weapon

Fencing - The Ball

One of the basic tools for solo practicing fencing.
Fencing-footwork the basics

The basics of footwork
Sir Æiríkr teaching wrap follow up

Sir Æiríkr teaches slot-shot

Fencing - starting position

Fencing - Step thrust parry

Fencing - Basic thrust

This is a short description of how to make a good thrust with light blades.
2 handed false edge technique

This is a way to trick the opponent into attacking you. So that you know when , and then get a good counterattack.
Done right, the opponent goes right into the blow.
Fencing - basic parry

Fencing - How to move
